
Sunday 6 November 2016

All Hallow's Eve

Welcome to that night so bright
That ev'n spirits see the light
Of Jack O'Lanterns burning so
That everything is all a'glow
Welcome to All Hallow's Eve
Much there is to believe
To make safe the night's passing safe and sound
All is alive both this side and tuther
Where on Earth are you brother?
I wonder how the passing went
Of all that future winter lament
Welcoem to a'bright new world!
Where Spirit strong doth behold
A tainted one who wonders far
To see a'little bright star
Shine again after troubles deep
When all we do is Souls to keep
Safely smiling day and night
My soul will shine forever bright
Do be gone oh wicked one!
Why torment the lasting fire
Of my dear life upon the wire
I wonder how you feel this night
I hope to say stay ever bright
The Other Side is far away
But stay you sound and stay you away!
Belong in peace All Souls abound
Be free of torture, kin are sound
Goodbye I say to darkness for good
Let's say hello
To the good wood!
Blessed Be

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